Three Sexy Stories

Three Sexy Stories


A Hui, a rogue taxi driver, happened to encounter a Taoist selling ghosts late one night. Curious, he bought the ghost of a female ghost; He ordered her to do all the bad things for her, but the female ghost refused to obey. Ah Hui then raped the female ghost, and when the Taoist learned about it, he forcibly took back the female ghost to protect it. In "Sex", Xin Lian is an independent and open-minded new woman. One day, her friend Yuqing was bullied by her boyfriend, and Xin expressed her first sexual experience to soothe Yuqing's emotions. The Virgo Chapter: Wen Hui is a virtuous and beautiful woman, but she reluctantly married a sexually incompetent entrepreneur, causing her to remain a virgin. One day, while her husband was on a business trip, she had a relationship with her uncle, which ultimately made Wen Hui taste the joy of sex.

Original Title96超级床上接班人
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