Andrés López

Andrés López

Andrés López is a comedian and actor. He is considered a pioneer of stand-up comedy in Colombia. López gained notoriety in Colombia after releasing his show called La Pelota de Letras (The Ball of Letters) which earned him a Double Diamond award from Universal Music.

The Ball of Letters - PulpMovies
El Culebro: La historia de mi papá - PulpMovies
Sobre ruedas - Rolling Elvis - PulpMovies
I Choose The Window - PulpMovies
De rolling por Colombia - PulpMovies
Me Pido la Ventana con Frutica Picada - PulpMovies
De Rolling 2: Por el sueño mundialista - PulpMovies
Somos Los Comediantes Vol. 1 - PulpMovies
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